I’m John C Bland II

Husband, Father, Tech Author, Deacon.
Founder of Katapult Media, and full-stack polyglot developer.
Political Free Agents Podcast Host.

I create. I launch.

YouTube Channel

I post regular fun on YouTube like me playing the bass and anything else I find fun. 

Get Something Built

All project work goes through Katapult Media. Business is open. Let’s chat.

CFWheels: Redirecting non-authorized access after login

CFWheels always seems to make me smile with certain features. It isn’t 100% perfect (what is?) but it really makes CF dev fun. In this case, we’re taking a simple scenario of a user attempting to access a non-public url while not authorized to login. It could be from a bookmark or them simply trying to “hack” your system. Either way, once the user logs in they should automatically get to the page they want. Here’s how you can do it in Wheels.


mxunit 1.0.8 index.cfm is broken

A while back I starting building cfgithub and noticed I was, technically, writing unit tests but poorly. I then took a dive into CF-based unit testing frameworks and finally dove into mxunit. It was kicking my butt! Nothing in it was working properly but I finally got it working perfectly fine. I posted my issues on Twitter how I felt it was “…outdated, IMO…” to which @MarcEsher responded asking how to which I’m finally responding tonight. 😀

At a minimum the homepage should work perfectly fine. Unfortunately, the homepage has some code issues. In order to get this page working, it takes a few tweaks. I’ve posted these tweaks on the the Google Code issue tracker so those guys can get the builds together. It, honestly, looks like quality control wasn’t done on this build before publishing since these are so blatant you can’t miss them.

So…I’m off to see if I can get the rest of mxunit working. We’ll see how well this goes since my last attempt(s) were feeble but mainly because of the mxunit failures.


I can write test suites without a problem. That works perfectly fine. I hit walls when I attempt to use the Stub Generator, etc from the /mxunit site (not the .com but the actual site built within the /mxunit folder).