“Robert Hoekman”https://www.rhjr.net is the original founder of Flash and Multimedia Users Group of Arizona (FMUG.az; now know as “Arizona Flash Platform User Group”:https://www.gotoandstop.org). I’ve known him for a few years now and when we discussed him turning over the group to me he made a comment about how much he has gotten out of being a Adobe user group manager. Most of the things he said I would experience…I have (articles, books, rubbing elbows with industry pros, etc).
What is amazing is how much Robert has done since then. He has really made a name for himself and has done a great job in his writings (“here”:https://www.rhjr.net/dto; new one on the way). Last year he spoke at Adobe Max (2006; which I thought was big for him since he had a book signing too) and now he’s speaking at “Voices That Matter: Web Design”:https://www.voicesthatmatter.com/webdesign2007/ with “some of the biggest names in web usability”:https://www.voicesthatmatter.com/webdesign2007/wdspeakers.html.
For more on what Robert will be doing, what he is doing now, etc you can listen to an “interview with Robert”:https://www.voicesthatmatter.com/webdesign2007/podcasts/Robert_FINAL.mp3 (linked from “conference homepage”:https://www.voicesthatmatter.com/webdesign2007) by the conference folks.
Congrats Robert! Keep up the great work.
Use the link below to buy his book. He makes a TON of sense in it (especially regarding “poka-yoke devices”:https://rhjr.net/theblog/category/kaizen/). I learned a few good points and only made it part of the way through the book (like I do all books).