“ScottGU posted about the ASP.NET MVC Framework”:https://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/10/14/asp-net-mvc-framework.aspx and I have to say I’m highly interested in seeing this in action. I’m pretty busy at this second so I haven’t fully reviewed his post or watched the “video Scott Hanselmann blogged”:https://www.hanselman.com/blog/ScottGuMVCPresentationAndScottHaScreencastFromALTNETConference.aspx.
We’ll see how the framework is seen by the community. I, for one, am not big on web frameworks, other than “CodeIgniter”:https://www.codeigniter.com/ which flippin’ rocks, but Microsoft being behind/building one raises a strong eyebrow (in a good way).
What’re your thoughts on it?