lol. That sums up this whole post. 🙂
Quick Background
Scott Barnes is a former Flash/Flex’er who now has a job -with- as a Microsoft Evangelist. Ryan Stewart is a former full time developer who now has a job as an Adobe Evangelist.
Ok…so the whole thing about what RIA stands for has been a debate for several months this year. Macromedia coined this term in ’02 -or ’03- and has driven the market for years. Now Microsoft has Silverlight and have attempted to undercut (now) Adobe by changing the RIA acronym.
I’m posting here because of “Ryan’s funny posted here”: I thought it was a good jab. 😉 BTW, Ryan…nice blog title (Rich Internet Application Mountaineer). Clever. 🙂
Ryan’s post was in regards to “Scott’s post here”: about why he uses RIA…errr…MSRIA. 🙂
Scott posts about MSRIA every month or so. I have noted, on his blog [comments], that I do believe Interactive better suits some applications BUT “Aaron commented (same post as above)”: that Rich implies interactivity…I agree. That takes my whole “Interactive fits [at times]” statement out.
Anyways…lemme cut through the garbage and get to the point. Microsoft, YOU CAN’T HIJACK ACRONYMS then argue how right you are over the creator. Now, if RIA was a dead acronym…ehhh…maybe but Adobe has the torch and CLEARLY coined RIA to be Rich INTERNET Application. I don’t care about docs you have showing “Rich, Interactive Web Applications” (“post here”: from way back when…RIA exists because Macromedia coined it.
“RIA is RIA”: unless it is an “MSRIA”: {insert Scooby Doo confused noise here}
Scott…just leave it alone! 🙂
BTW, I never cared for the hype Apple promoted (“Microsoft, get your copiers ready”) but I seriously can’t ignore it in this case.