I figure I’ll start blogging more since I’m off Twitter, for the most part, and what better way to kick off blocking again than to talk about my latest “toy”: OSX Lion.
Scrolling is weird on Lion but I truly think with time it will be natural. I get the change though. Everything about Lion is iOS’esque. Look at the animations, Mission Control sliding [aka Spaces 2.0], Launchpad, and scrolling.
In Lion when you slide your finger down on your trackpad or Magic Mouse it pulls the page [or app screen] down. When you slide your finger up it pushes the page up.
It isn’t scrolling, per se. It is more like you’re grabbing the page and moving it in a natural way. If this was a physical page I was writing on write now and wanted to see the bottom, perhaps covered by a book, I would take my finger(s) and push the page up.
That’s how scrolling in Lion works. Apple was bold with the change [I’m sure some folks, including myself initially] ranted about it but I truly think it will become my preference within the next week.
How do you like the scrolling?