I’m John C Bland II

Husband, Father, Tech Author, Deacon.
Founder of Katapult Media, and full-stack polyglot developer.
Political Free Agents Podcast Host.

I create. I launch.

YouTube Channel

I post regular fun on YouTube like me playing the bass and anything else I find fun. 

Get Something Built

All project work goes through Katapult Media. Business is open. Let’s chat.

Cord cutting savings

Cord cutting savings

We saved $167 by dropping down to just Internet with Comcast. If I get an 8% return on $167 for 10 straight years, I’ll save $31,353.56 vs spending $20,040 for channels I don’t want.

Why didn’t y’all tell me to do this earlier!! 😀 (now to find that 8% return)

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